Engage with HTAV

The History Teachers’ Association of Victoria is committed to fostering an outstanding professional community which meets the challenges of teaching and learning of History in a dynamic environment.

It pursues this goal within the state of Victoria, throughout Australia and internationally. The HTAV seeks to ensure that History teachers, and educators, have the skills, knowledge and values necessary to work in a creative, responsible and effective manner. The HTAV is an organisation of people interested in history, at all levels. It promotes life-long learning and respect for the discipline of History in the community. Membership of the HTAV ensures that both individuals and organisations have access to the best support and materials available, and helps to strengthen and enhance the History teaching community

The HTAV was founded by a group of teachers and was incorporated in Melbourne in 1980. It now has twelve board members and eleven members of staff. The Association has two ongoing publications: the Member Bulletin (regular newsletter) and Agora (triannual journal). Both publications provide members with the latest information relevant to the teaching of History.

The HTAV website includes up-to-date information on a range of professional learning activities, including HTAV professional development programs, student lectures and membership. The members-only section contains a detailed resources section.

Presenting for HTAV is an excellent way to engage with the history teaching community, form networks and share pedagogical ideas. Further, HTAV's Mentor Networks provide support for new history teachers and the opportunity for experienced teachers to mentor a younger colleague.

To engage with HTAV, select from the list of opportunities on the left-hand panel.

Events Calendar

Sponsors & partners

  • Adobe sponsor
  • Education Victoria - Sponsor Logo
  • SOAP sponsor logo
  • National History Challenge - Sponsor Logo

We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work. The HTAV Office is located on the lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. These lands were never ceded. We pay our respect to their ancestors and Elders, past and present.

Please note: Members of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities should be aware that the HTAV website may include images or names of people now deceased.