Nomination for HTAV Board

The work of HTAV is guided and overseen by a Board of up to 12 elected members. Nominations are invited for the following positions on the 2025 HTAV Board:

  • President
  • First and Second Vice Presidents
  • Director (i.e. Board member who is not an office bearer)

The Nomination Process

To nominate someone, please submit the completed nomination form, which can be either printed and completed by hand, or completed electronically.

The person you nominate must read the Board Charter document and agree to be nominated. To complete the nomination, the nominee must also submit a Candidate Statement of up to 350 words.

Nominations close 5.00pm, Thursday 20 March 2025.

Please send the completed Nomination Form to, or by post to

HTAV Company Secretary
Suite 105, 134-136 Cambridge Street
Collingwood VIC 3066


  • Nominees must be a current HTAV Individual Member or Life Member.
  • Nominators must be current members of HTAV (Individual Member, Life Member, or listed under a School or Organisation Membership)

The Election Process

  • The election of HTAV Board members will be conducted in accordance with these Procedures
  • Where the number of nominations received is greater than the number of vacancies to be filled for any of the positions above, a ballot will be held. Voting will be conducted electronically, prior to the AGM.
  • The winners of the ballot(s) will be declared at the HTAV Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 30 April 2025.

About the HTAV Board

  • The term of office for a Director is usually two years. Office Bearers are elected every year.
  • There are eight Board meetings per year, plus the AGM and a strategic planning session.
  • Board meetings usually take place on a weekday from 5.15pm–6.45 pm. Meetings alternate between being held at the HTAV office in Collingwood or online. Meetings held at the HTAV office will also have the option for Directors to attend online to ensure accessibility and flexibility. Members from regional areas are welcome.
  • Board members are expected to attend a majority of meetings, read all Board papers, and to be active in the life of HTAV and the development and support of members.

Events Calendar

Sponsors & partners

  • Adobe sponsor
  • SOAP sponsor logo
  • National History Challenge - Sponsor Logo
  • Education Victoria - Sponsor Logo

We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work. The HTAV Office is located on the lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. These lands were never ceded. We pay our respect to their ancestors and Elders, past and present.

Please note: Members of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities should be aware that the HTAV website may include images or names of people now deceased.